Dear art lovers,

I have been assembling and creating collage characters at Studio S, cutting up old magazines, ephemera, photographs and other catalogues that were found or gifted to me. The Covid-19 pandemic has influenced my work in an unexpected way. I realized I was holding back by keeping the material intact, they needed to be repurposed, not saved. Previously I was scanning images from cherished copies of old Life and movie magazines for my collage work. Now I am simply taking my scissors or x-acto blade to the image. There is a liberation in this act, a commitment that gives a life force to these recent collages. Once completed I adhere the collage to a stick and install them in the studio window. Currently the growing narrative is on display for the public to view in downtown Sechelt, B.C. : artist-in-residence until the end of June 2020.

In response to the weird and wonderful collages I have created at the Studio I have made custom designs on t-shirts that are ready to be ordered and worn. There will be more products and ideas to come so check back for up-dates. In the mean time open the link for a boo at HooHoo designs, order a shirt or two and take them for a walk.

Collage Characters by Nadina Tandy


Studio Sart loves youphoto credit S.Levin

Studio S

art loves you

photo credit S.Levin

HooHoo in the garden ©️ 2020Nadina Tandy

HooHoo in the garden ©️ 2020

Nadina Tandy


Dear friends and art lovers,

I am gathering focus to work in the studio. My Blog/News is a visual up-date also a special Thank You for supporting art and the artists.

Touching the art ! Casting spells ! Nadina's mixed media piece, 'Dreaming of Home
Touching the art ! Casting spells ! Nadina's mixed media piece, 'Dreaming of Home

Touching the art ! Casting spells ! Nadina's mixed media piece, 'Dreaming of Home" is off to a Collector in Vancouver, B.C.  photo credit Derek von Essen

Stay Warm, ink on paper. Available soon: The Art Rental Collection of North Vancouver Arts Council.
Stay Warm, ink on paper. Available soon: The Art Rental Collection of North Vancouver Arts Council.
Floating Tattoo, ink on paper. Soon to be included in The Art Rental Collection of North Vancouver Arts Council.
Floating Tattoo, ink on paper. Soon to be included in The Art Rental Collection of North Vancouver Arts Council.
  If you would like to own your own unique pencil case designed by Nadina you can order on-line at Art of Where  ~  5 chairs and 1 tac  front and back view photo by Tracy Barron Goyer
  If you would like to own your own unique pencil case designed by Nadina you can order on-line at Art of Where  ~  5 chairs and 1 tac  front and back view photo by Tracy Barron Goyer

Art Makes Us Happy

According to an investigation by French Beaux Arts Magazine (July 2013 Issue)

"art acts like a vitamin on our brain, making us noticeable happier."

                           Greta's Garden 24 x24 inches  Art lives in you, don't overthink    &nbsp…

                           Greta's Garden 24 x24 inches  Art lives in you, don't overthink     

                                         table design and photo credit S.Antonucci

Double Heart

Double Heart ~Archival Print


Double Heart is 1 of 4 from The Heart Series, encaustic on panel.

Sometimes I will use images that are not my own. Not to claim them as mine more to connect with a collective unconscious. Old anatomy books are a source of inspiration. They are distant, somehow removed from the actual subject they are meant to represent. I recycle stamps from my father's collection and often re-use his written Scientific research reports or just as likely pages torn from an 1800s Tennyson book of poetry given to me by a grade school friend, stolen from her parent's bookshelf . So now you know. Lost and found .

Archival Print

8.5 x 11 inches

6 x 6 inches, image size

Full colour, archival inks printed on Fine Art Hahnemuhle Bamboo paper


Click for order information

Double Heart

Heart Series Encaustic Painting


Sometime I will use images that are not my own. Not to claim them as mine more to connect with a collective unconscious. Old Anatomy books are a source of inspiration. They are distant, somehow removed from the actual subject they are meant to represent. I recycle stamps from my father's collection and often re-use his written Scientific research reports or just as likely pages torn from an 1800s Tennyson book of poetry given to me by a grade school friend, stollen from her parents bookshelf . So now you know. Lost and found .

Encaustic painting, also known as how wax painting, involves using heated beeswax to which coloured pigments may or may not be added. I use the hot wax technique to encase the images and preserve them. Prints Available

Thank you from all of us | Power of Paint 2015


Many, many people to thank… ZOOMJardin de Flores Nursery and Farm, Roberts Creek , Rent it, Sunshine Coast Botanical Gardens, ..thank you Sue, Sheer Bliss, Steven you always look after us so well, Coast Reporter, and Jan DeGrass, as always you write so well and the District of Sechelt .. special thanks to you Perry and the spouses that help set up those heavy heavy walls Nick Vermeulen and Mike. Mike Tandy and Jimmy Gregor…the music was amazing and thanks also Mike for the warm welcome. The Volunteers… our dynamic duoKasia Krolikowska, and Lore Schmidts..we absolutely love you….Thank you Charly Mithrush, Judy McLarty, Jeanette MacDonald, Jen Drysdale, Karen Tosczak, Diane Penonzek, Pat Opp, Barbara Moustafa, Suzy Naylor and wonderful Marlene Lowden …your presence was invaluable…you made the evening fun and run smooth for us. Last but definitely not least Ginny Vail…thanks for organizing us and adding all your wonderful touches along with your easy, fun personality. We love you to bits

Written by Carol LaFave , on behalf of Eleven Equal Artists;

Morley Baker, Josef Fritz Braham, Todd Clark, Elizabeth Evans, Greta Grunow Guzek,

Carol Lafave, Kim LaFave, Ian MacLeod, Cindy Riach, Nadina Tandy, Marleen Vermeulen


Welcome entrance at Seaside Centre  Painting by Josefa Fritz Barham

ART MATTERS | 4 steps to getting shit done.

Disclaimer : all the opinions expressed are my own

Lets blow it up, just do your art and shut the fuck up. I am offering you 4 easy solutions to follow for inner creative peace. You can add to the list in the comments, hell lets coauthor an e-book.

#1 : Create. Create anything. Just start. Don't judge it or think you are amazing. Just pick up a pencil show up to life drawing class. Shut up and draw.

#2 STOP TALKING. Talking about shit, no more conversations about sensitive digestion or your ingrown toe nail that has haunted you and stopped you from being a fully realized super star. Yawn, are you boring yourself?

#3 DON'T LISTEN TO WHAT OTHERS THINK ABOUT YOU OR YOUR ART. Don't listen to what you think about others and their art.

#4 BE IN THE PRESENT. Just 'be' in the  present moment of the creative process and all the other crap will shrink. The perfect weather or the perfect space. You make things happen when you create art with whatever tool you have, wherever you are. It lives in you, don't over think it.

                                                                         Fine Art , not for the faint of heart. My one line elevator pitch.


The cranky artist motivational series has a gift for you! A printable version of ART MATTERS 4 steps to inner creative peace and getting shit done. With love Nadina


I found my dad's field notes or ruff notes for his PHD credentials. They were important to him so I kept them after he died. 

My fasination with fish and their habitat is the sorces of a lot of my inspiration. I can thank him for supporting my unique perspective saying, "Well tiger, you always do things in your own way." I am sure he would be happy to know his work will be incapsulated into my art.

Notes: A.P.Ronald

Notes: A.P.Ronald