Art EXHIBITION : Generational Imprints

“Generational Imprints”

contemporary art

The medium is analogue collage reproduced in print. The portraits started from photographs which were enlarged 3' x4' and intuitively reconfigured. Not so much painting pretty pictures, I am asking the viewer to ask questions of themselves. The following is my statement for the portraits on display. Also on display will be small analogue collage prints which have been part of my art practice for the last few years.


Showing and not telling is a theme throughout my artistic practice. A narrative of three generations of faces, grandmother, mother and daughter are explored in large format collage. Reconfigured faces which are easily matched but ever so off. Familiar patterns and parallel parts which shift to become unknown, uneasy.

Generational Imprints is my current body of work sharing with the viewer pieces of personal history and influence, flowers, wallpaper, patterns..etc.

The Gumboot Café

1053 Roberts Creek, B.C.

heart of the creek


September 2 -September 30

8am -4pm daily (closed Tuesdays)


Sunshine Coast Art | Summer 2018

Dear friends and art lovers,

It's been some time since I posted an update about my artistic meanderings and doings, somehow managing to let my winter art retreat and social media sabbatical slide into the hot waning months of summer. Originally it was my intention to bring everyone up to date as spring sprung but things do not always go as planned. The radio silence, however has not been without good reason and I am happy to fill you in.


As it turns out taking a break from the demands of the electronic world has been a most refreshing and productive time for me, the result of which has been a new series of work that I'm very excited about debuting at the 7th annual Power of Paint show this August 17, 18 and 19 at the Seaside Centre in Sechelt, B.C. ( So, no, I have not been drinking martinis, watching Netflix from the couch, dancing the night away nor sleeping til noon, despite rumours to the contrary...). I am very pleased with this new work but the most exciting thing for me is that I feel there is still plenty to explore and create within this new series. I'm looking forward to it.


In January of 2018, a call for donations for the establishment of a permanent art collection was put forth by the Sechelt Hospital Foundation with the goal of providing a visually inspiring and supportive environment for those giving or receiving care. I am thrilled and honoured to be one of the inaugural contributing artists to this worthwhile program with the donation of two of my pieces, 'Waterborne' and 'All of Me'. I am excited to watch as this wonderful 'Art of Healing' collection grows.


So here I am back to the interweb and back in your mailbox. Come say hello to me at Power of Paint,  August 17, 18 & 19 at the Seaside Centre, Sechelt, B.C.

Warm regards,



'Eye Am' acrylic on 1956 BC Atlas of Recourses Map                  photo credit: Derek von Essen




Dear art lovers,

Thank you, on behalf of the Eleven Equal Artists for another outstanding Power of Paint Exhibition on the Sunshine Coast, BC. I am not certain that 6 or so years ago, when we first conceived of Power of Paint that we realized what it was we were doing. Eleven Equal Artists have not only begun an art show, we have brought to life an event.

Through hard work and shared vision we have mounted not only an exhibition of our own diverse styles but an event which included a collaborative art piece, a bursary, live music, food and drink and the attention of the community at large.

Despite the collective hard work of all the artists involved in this show, it would mean nothing if not for you. The success of Power of Paint really lies with the art supporters, the curious, the casual observers and true believers who have attended this event at different times over the last 5 years. For that we thank you.

Special arty thank you to our volunteers, supportive partners and to Ginny Vail for raining in the toddlers.

Eleven Equal Artists :  Morley Baker, Josefa Fritz Barham, Todd Clark, Elizabeth Evans, Greta Guzek, Carol LaFave, Kim LaFave, Ian MacLeod, Cindy Riach, Nadina Tandy and Marleen Vermeulen

Click on image for slide show of Power of Paint 2016 Sunshine Coast BC