Dear art lovers,

I have been assembling and creating collage characters at Studio S, cutting up old magazines, ephemera, photographs and other catalogues that were found or gifted to me. The Covid-19 pandemic has influenced my work in an unexpected way. I realized I was holding back by keeping the material intact, they needed to be repurposed, not saved. Previously I was scanning images from cherished copies of old Life and movie magazines for my collage work. Now I am simply taking my scissors or x-acto blade to the image. There is a liberation in this act, a commitment that gives a life force to these recent collages. Once completed I adhere the collage to a stick and install them in the studio window. Currently the growing narrative is on display for the public to view in downtown Sechelt, B.C. : artist-in-residence until the end of June 2020.

In response to the weird and wonderful collages I have created at the Studio I have made custom designs on t-shirts that are ready to be ordered and worn. There will be more products and ideas to come so check back for up-dates. In the mean time open the link for a boo at HooHoo designs, order a shirt or two and take them for a walk.

Collage Characters by Nadina Tandy


Studio Sart loves youphoto credit S.Levin

Studio S

art loves you

photo credit S.Levin

HooHoo in the garden ©️ 2020Nadina Tandy

HooHoo in the garden ©️ 2020

Nadina Tandy