Dispatches from Studio S | artist-in-residence 2020

Dispatches from Studio S

 Experimentation and improvisation has always played an important role in my creativity.

 Dear art lover,
  At it's core, my art making has always been about being able to make something from what was at hand. Even as a child, my play revolved around developing and exploring elaborate architectural designs using the materials I found around the house and in the yard. Garden materials and found scraps of wood formed the basis for a reinvented world, that previously existed, only in my mind. Creating something new from the resources I was able to acquire had always been more interesting and enjoyable for me than playing with the manufactured ‘toy’ built and packaged for a child's amusement. Play and creativity is problem solving, a crucial development in a child’s evolution. Often this aspect of play gets lost or forgotten as we grow older and move down life's path. To this day, my artistic practice starts with the seed of something found, the spark an idea, an inspiration, and coaxing that seed into art of my own creation. If I find myself too rigid in an idea or my inspiration dries up, I will simply start again from the beginning and go back to the unknown that starts it all. Found materials, play and experiment.

Stay well,


Tea with Bonnie Prince Charlescollage on a stickcopyright nadina tandy 2020

Tea with Bonnie Prince Charles

collage on a stick

copyright nadina tandy 2020